Alejandro Ramirez
Iowa State University - Etats Unis AuteursFormation :
Diplômé de l'Iowa State University en 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science.
Diplôme vétérinaire (DVM) de l'Iowa State University en 1993.
Master de Santé Publique (MSP) de l'Iowa State University en 2004.
Certifié par le Collège Américain de Médecine Préventive Vétérinaire en 2006 (Diplômé ACVPM).
Career to date:
2007- Current – Assistant Professor in Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Sine Group. His appointment involves teaching, research, professional practice, and outreach. He is involved in teaching in the veterinary professional curriculum as well as undergraduate and graduate programs. Research interests include infectious disease transmission including PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Clostridium spp, Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA), biosecurity, as well as infectious diseases of public health significance.
2004-2007 – Veterinary Specialist for Iowa State University. Worked both with the Center for Food Security and Public health and the Veterinary Diagnostic Production Animal Medicine Department. Focused on teaching and professional practice and outreach. Focused in swine production medicine, infectious disease transmission, biosecurity and infectious diseases of public health significance.
1993-2004 – Was in private practice with Valley Veterinary Center. Six veterinarian mixed animal practice in Cherokee, Iowa. Duties included traditional ambulatory large animal practice as well as management services for swine confinement operations for our clients. The practice clientele consisted of about 50% swine, 30% beef including both feedlot and cow-calf, 15% small animal, and 5% equine & other. Last few years, he was primarily involved in the swine production management for their clients as well as the business management of the clinic. He managed the clinic’s record management bureau (PigCHAMP® and CowCalf5®) and its staff. He was also in charge of running the clinics books, finances, personnel matters, as well as many of the legal business matters of the clinic. Regarding the management services for their clients, he was the business and employee manager for several different operations making routine herd visits to the farms to ensure proper production processes were being followed.
Professional Affiliations:
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP)
American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV)
Judge for the Student Seminar Presentations (2006 – 2007)
Co-Chair for Student Seminar Presentations (2007)
Chair for Student Seminar Presentations (2008 – Current)
Member of Collegiate Activities Committee (2007 – Current)
Member of Foreign Animal Disease Committee (2008 – Current)
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA)
American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine (ACVPM)
Ad Hoc Committee on ACVPM Board Preparation (2007 – 2008)
Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA)
Swine Health/Animal Well Being Committee (2007 – Current)
National Pork Board (NPB)
Producer Safety and Public Health Subcommittee (2007 – Current)
Grant Reviewer for Swine Health proposal (2007 – Current)
Grant Reviewer for Public Health proposals (2008 – Current
Curriculum actualisé : 24-Oct-2012